Monday, 31 May 2010

the webs we spin

From twitter, via Stephen Fry, QI and Alan Davies
and with the help of YouTube I found myself here.

Some of my favourites:

Q. Name a dangerous race.
A. The Arabs

Q. Name something that flies that doesn't have an engine.
A. A bicycle with wings.

Q. Name something you might be allergic to.
A. Skiing

Q. Name a non-living object with legs.
A. Plant

And the piece de resistance:

Q. Name something you open other than a door.
A. Your bowels.

sab x

Thursday, 27 May 2010

books, books, books

At this very moment, I have 4 unread books,
1 book I've started to read and 8 books on my amazon wish list.
And I'm still browsing...

My reading habits really are very erratic.
Like everything else I go through periods
where all I do is read.
Day and night...
And other periods where all I do is buy books.
Can't walk past the shop without picking up at least a couple.
And yet other periods where reading is the furthest thing
from my mind.

Right now I'm coming off a "buying every book in sight"
high and entering in to a reading all the time one.
And this is the overlap.

The book I've started is Hegemony or Survival
by Noam Chomsky.
And I'm considering purchasing a Stephen King to read alongside it.
I usually have a Stephen King on the go
and I usually read at least 2 books at the same time.

Not quite sure where I'm going with this
or even if it makes any sense
just feel like I need to get back into my blogging.
'Cause I guess that's another thing that's kinda all or nothing with me...

So now you know that, the Internet.
Off to buy some books now!

sab x

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

And another thing...

I'm of course assuming that everyone is
already thinking about what to get me for my birthday.

Well, let me help you out.
I want this!


sab x


...thinking about it,
doing all three layers seems a bit excessive.
Unless it's for like a wedding or something.
Also, those are some huge slices,
not even I can eat that much cake in one go.

So I'm thinking 2 layers.
Also, won't be doing "yellow", "white" and "spiced" cakes.
Mainly 'cause I have no idea what they are.
I'm thinking vanilla and maybe lemon?
And for the pies, def apple.
Haven't decided on the other one yet...
And of course cream cheese frosting!

I'm getting all excited planning this now!
This goes into my "to make folder"
along with some interesting sounding jams
I'm planning on trying out this season!


sab x


I'm going to have to try this.
Obviously I'd make all the stuff from scat ch.
No ready made pies or cake mix for me!

Sab x

Monday, 17 May 2010

We are experiencing some difficulties...

...but hope to return to our scheduled programming shortly.

sab x